نام کتاب: Adaptive Architecture Changing Parameters and Practice
نویسنده: Wolfgang F. E. Preiser, Andrea E. Hardy, Jacob J. Wilhelm
ویرایش: ۱
سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۷
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحه: ۲۹۶
انتشارات: Routledge
Description About Book Adaptive Architecture Changing Parameters and Practice From Amazon
The constant in architecture’s evolution is change. Adaptive Architecture Changing Parameters and Practice explores structures, or environments that accommodate multiple functions at the same time, sequentially, or at periodically recurring events. It demonstrates how changing technological, economic, ecological and social conditions have altered the playing field for architecture from the design of single purpose structures to the design of interacting systems of synergistically interdependent, distributed buildings. Including contributors from the US, UK, Japan, Australia, Germany and South Africa, the essays are woven into a five-part framework which provides a broad and unique treatment of this important and timely issue.
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