نام کتاب: Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment
نویسنده: Andrew Knight, Les Ruddock
ویرایش: ۱
سال انتشار: ۲۰۰۸
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحه: ۲۵۶
انتشارات: Wiley-Blackwell
Description About Book Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment From Amazon
This book provides a bridge between the introductory research methods books and the discipline-specific, higher level texts.
Its unique feature is the coverage of the detailed process of research rather than the findings of research projects. Chapter authors have been carefully selected by their expertise, discipline and location to give an eclectic range of perspectives. Particular care has been taken to balance positivist with interpretivist approaches throughout. The authors focus is on the practical consequences of research philosophies, strategies and techniques by using their own research and by evaluating the work of others.
Advanced Research Methods in the Built Environment addresses common topics raised by postgraduate level researchers rather than dealing with all aspects of the research process. Issues covered range from the practicalities of producing a journal article to the role of theory in research.
The material brought together here provides a valuable resource for the training and development of doctoral and young researchers and will contribute to a new sense of shared methodological understanding across built environment research.
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