نام کتاب: BIM for Facility Managers
نویسنده: IFMA, Paul Teicholz
ویرایش: ۱
سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۳
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحه: ۳۵۲
انتشارات: Wiley
Description About Book BIM for Facility Managers From Amazon
A practical look at extending the value of BuildingInformation Modeling (BIM) into facility management—from theworld’s largest international association for professional facilitymanagers
Building owners and facility managers are discovering thatBuilding Information Modeling (BIM) models of buildings are deepreservoirs of information that can provide valuable spatial andmechanical details on every aspect of a property. When usedappropriately, this data can improve performance and save time,effort, and money in running and maintaining the building duringits life cycle. It can also provide information for futuremodifications. For instance, a BIM could reveal everything from themanufacturer of a light fixture to its energy usage to maintenanceinstructions.
BIM for Facility Managers explains how BIM can be linkedto facility management (FM) systems to achieve very significantlife-cycle advantages. It presents guidelines for using BIM in FMthat have been developed by public and private owners such as theGSA. There is an extensive discussion of the legal and contractualissues involved in BIM/FM integration. It describes how COBie canbe used to name, capture, and communicate FM-related data todownstream systems. There is also extensive discussion ofcommercial software tools that can be used to facilitate thisintegration.
This book features six in-depth case studies that illustrate howBIM has been successfully integrated with facility management inreal-life projects at:
- Texas A&M Health Science Center
- USC School of Cinematic Arts
- MathWork’s new campus
- Xavier University
- State of Wisconsin Facilities
- University of Chicago Library renovation
BIM for Facility Managers is an indispensable resourcefor facility managers, building owners, and developers alike.
درباره کتاب BIM for Facility Managers – ترجمه شده از گوگل
- مرکز علوم پزشکی تگزاس A & M
- دانشکده هنرهای سینمایی USC
- پردیس جدید MathWork
- دانشگاه خاویر
- ایالت ویسکانسین امکانات
- نوسازی کتابخانه دانشگاه شیکاگو
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