نام کتاب: Fundamentals of Integrated Design for Sustainable Building 2nd ویرایش
نویسنده: Marian Keeler, Prasad Vaidya
ویرایش: ۲
سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۶
فرمت: Epub
تعداد صفحه: ۴۰۸
انتشارات: Wiley
Description About Book Fundamentals of Integrated Design for Sustainable Building 2nd ویرایشFrom Amazon
The Fully Updated, Indispensible Study of Sustainable Design Principles
Fundamentals of Integrated Design for Sustainable Building 2nd ویرایشis the first textbook to merge principles, theory, and practice into an integrated workflow. This book introduces the technologies and processes of sustainable design and shows how to incorporate sustainable concepts at every design stage. This comprehensive primer takes an active learning approach that keeps students engaged.
This book dispenses essential information from practicing industry specialists to provide a comprehensive introduction to the future of design. This new second edition includes:
- Expansive knowledge—from history and philosophy to technology and practice
- Fully updated international codes, like the CAL code, and current legislations
- Up-to-date global practices, such as the tools used for Life-Cycle Assessment
- Thorough coverage of critical issues such as climate change, resiliency, health, and net zero energy building
- Extensive design problems, research exercise, study questions, team projects, and discussion questions that get students truly involved with the material
Sustainable design is a responsible, forward-thinking method for building the best structure possible in the most efficient way. Conventional resources are depleting and building professionals are thinking farther ahead. This means that sustainable design will eventually be the new standard and everyone in the field must be familiar with the concepts to stay relevant. Fundamentals of Integrated Design for Sustainable Building is the ideal primer, with complete coverage of the most up to date information.
درباره کتاب Fundamentals of Integrated Design for Sustainable Building 2nd ویرایش– ترجمه شده از گوگل
- دانش گسترده – از تاریخ و فلسفه به فناوری و عمل
- کد های بین المللی کاملا به روز شده، مانند کد CAL و قوانین جاری
- تا به امروز شیوه های جهانی، مانند ابزار مورد استفاده برای ارزیابی چرخه زندگی است
- پوشش کامل مسائل مهم مانند تغییر آب و هوا، انعطاف پذیری، سلامت و ساختن انرژی خالص انرژی
- مشکلات طراحی گسترده، تمرینات تحقیقاتی، سوالات مطالعه، پروژه های تیمی و سوالات بحث و گفتگو که دانشجویان را واقعا درگیر مطالب می کنند
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