نام کتاب: Introduction to Structures Architect’s Guidebooks to Structures
نویسنده: Paul W. McMullin, Jonathan S. Price
ویرایش: ۱
سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۶
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحه: ۳۰۴
انتشارات: Routledge
Description About Book Introduction to Structures Architect’s Guidebooks to Structures From Amazon
Introduction to Structures – the lead book in the Architect’s Guidebook to Structures series – presents structures in simple, accessible fashion through beautiful illustrations, worked examples, and from the perspective of practicing professionals with a combined experience of over 75 years.
It introduces the student to, and reminds the practitioner of, fundamental structural design principles. Beginning by introducing structural forms in nature and history, the process of design, and selecting structural systems and materials, the book then moves onto statics, mechanics of materials, and structural analysis. The final chapter provides guidance on preliminary structural design, complete with decision criteria and design tables.
Edited by experienced professional structural engineers, with vital contributions from practicing architects, Introduction to Structures Architect’s Guidebooks to Structures is fully illustrated, contains clear step by step examples and preliminary design guidance. Designed as a key textbook for introductory structures courses, it is also an indispensable reference for practicing architects.
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