نام کتاب: Memorializing The Gdr – Monuments And Memory After 1989
نویسنده: Anna Saunders
ویرایش: ۱
سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۸
کد ISBN کتاب: ۹۷۸۱۷۸۵۳۳۶۸۰۵, ۱۷۸۵۳۳۶۸۰۰
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحه: ۳۸۶
انتشارات: Berghahn Books
Description About Book Memorializing The Gdr – Monuments And Memory After 1989 From Amazon
Memory debates and the built environment since unification — ‘Working through’ the GDR past — A shifting memorial culture — Memory, monuments and memorialization — Notions of, and problems with, collective forms of memory — Monuments, memorials and ‘memory markers’ — Socialist icons: from heroes to villains? — The role of monuments in the GDR — Transition: October 1989 to October 1990 — Eastern Berlin I: from unification to Lenin’s fall — Eastern Berlin II: from the commission’s recommendations to — Thalmann’s survival — Demolition debates beyond Berlin: Chemnitz’s ‘nischel’ — Modification: a modern makeover for Halle’s flag monument — Relocation: finding a new home for Leipzig’s Karl Marx relief — Conclusion: the ever-present narrative of 1989 — Soviet special camps: reassessing a repressed past — Special camps and interrogation centres — Commemoration without monumentalization: representing silenced memories at Buchenwald — Emotive symbolism and reconciliation at Funfeichen — Breaking the silence: historical revision in Greifswald — A monument without answers? Haftstatte Prenzlauer Allee, Berlin
Conclusion: Revoking silence — 17 June 1953 uprisings: remembering a failed revolution — Conflicting interpretations in Berlin: Katharina Karrenberg, Wolfgang Ruppel and beyond — Remembering Hennigsdorf’s steelworkers — Tank tracks in Leipzig — Tank tracks in Dresden — Conclusion: diverse remembrance — The Berlin Wall: historical document, tourist magnet or urban eyesore? — The early post-Wende years: from commodification to preservation — Ubergange: Remembering border crossings and transitions — Bernauer Strasse wall memorial (Part I): peripheral remembrance? — Victimhood and visibility I: Remembering child vicitms in Treptow — Victimhood and visibility II: White crosses in duplicate — Victimhood and visibility III: The Freedom Memorial, Checkpoint Charlie — Towards decentralised remembrance: the gesamtkonzept and Bernauer Strasse (Part II) — Conclusion: Shifting remembrance — Remembering the ‘peaceful revolution’ and German unity — Building national memory? Berlin’s freedom and unity monument — Remembering the Leipzig demonstrations: the Nikolaikirchhof and beyond — Schwerin’s controversial remembrance of the round table — Swords into ploughshares: Dessau’s peace bell — Transforming the fortunes of Magdeburg? the development of a citizens’ monument — A truly democratic project? Plauen’s Wende monument — Conclusion: The concrete legacy of the peaceful revolution — Conclusion: Beyond the palimpsest — What remains? — Dominant narratives — Dialogic remembrance and entangled memories Read more…
درباره کتاب Memorializing The Gdr – Monuments And Memory After 1989 ترجمه شده از گوگل
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