نام کتاب: Scaleless Seamless Performing a less fragmented architectural education and practice
نویسنده: Maria Voyatzaki, Constantin Spiridonidis
ویرایش: ۱
سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۲
فرمت: PDF
تعداد صفحه: ۴۵۶
انتشارات: European Network of Heads of Schools of Architecture
Description About Book Scaleless Seamless Performing a less fragmented architectural education and practice From Amazon
To be held November 15-17, a Symposium, entitled Scaleless- Seamless: Digital Performance, will discuss how Facilitated by the extended applications of digital technology in all sectors of production, administration, education and consumption, the contemporary world can be increasingly conceived as a global and systemic environment. All our activities are profoundly influenced by a new condition of fluidity and interdependence of various and very often, unpredictable parameters and factors, introducing us progressively to a systemic and parametric understanding of the world and our position in it.
Architecture and the building process are reflecting this new conception of the world by redefining themselves according to new principles and means. The fast development of digital techniques to simulate, represent and generate Architecture promises a continuous design process, including the seamless transfer of information between the involved parties and making performance a key issue in the planning process. In this process, concepts of adaptability, transformability and flexibility are replacing already tested and secure solutions, customization is replacing standardization and metrics, and digital tools are replacing analogue representations. In these new conditions the scaleless and the seamless appear as the two key pillars of the requested integration in contemporary architectural practice and education.
Do the design and planning practices and construction industries respond with digital synergies to these new requests? Can the curricula of architecture schools escape from the dominance of traditional fragmentation within their structure and the organisation of the modules and academic units towards more holistic concepts and workflow? How can the traditionally separate courses offered by departments and modules of architectural
education institutions be redefined in order to assure a scale-less and seamless thinking about form, materiality and its social and cultural representations, its environmental aspects and its urban and contextual references?
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