نام کتاب: Thinking the Contemporary Landscape
نویسنده: Christophe Girot, Dora Imhof
ویرایش: ۱
سال انتشار: ۲۰۱۶
فرمت: Epub
تعداد صفحه: ۲۸۸
انتشارات: Princeton Architectural Press
Description About Book Thinking the Contemporary Landscape From Amazon
On the heels of our groundbreaking books in landscape architecture, James Corner’s Recovering Landscape and Charles Waldheim’s Landscape Urbanism Reader, comes another essential reader, <em. Examining our shifting perceptions of nature and place in the context of environmental challenges and how these affect urbanism and architecture, the seventeen essayists in <emargue for an all-encompassing view of landscape that integrates the scientific, intellectual, aesthetic, and mythic into a new multidisciplinary understanding of the contemporary landscape. A must-read for anyone concerned about the changing nature of our landscape in a time of climate crisis.</em</em
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